24 и 25 августа/ 2024

Конференция для преподавателей иностранных языков

"Hakuna ma Teacha"


О конференции
Hakuna ma Teacha уже третий год подряд объединяет самых крутых профессионалов в сфере ELT, которые делятся своими идеями,
полезной информацией, вдохновляют на новые свершения и заряжают своими знаниями.

Душевная, камерная, уникальная-так о нас говорят наши гости. А мы им верим!
Тема 2024 года
Гитары, сцена, живой звук, самые искренние и пронзительные рок-композиции окунут вас в незабываемую атмосферу рок-концерта, на котором ВЫ-ГЛАВНАЯ ЗВЕЗДА!

Дресс-код: темная одежда в стиле rock, блестки, кожа, футболки, джинсы, рубашки, кольца, прически. Комфорт и китч!
(желательно, но не обязательно)
Когда наши ценности: быть полезными; объединять, а не конкурировать; дарить вам незабываемые эмоции, объединились, мы стали творить эту конференцию ВМЕСТЕ!
  • Бородина Мария
    Движок и генератор
    Руководитель школы английского языка "Альбион
    Юрист для педагогов
  • Савинова Елена
    Фея спокойствия и поддержки
    Руководитель школы английского языка "CAN School"
Каждая Хакуна имеет свою тематику, настроение, костюмы и совершенно незабываемые эмоции!

24 августа-основной день

25 августа-мастер-классы от ведущих специалистов

Столько ваших улыбок запечатлевает фотограф на наших мероприятиях

  • Сташевская Екатерина
  • Абраамян Пери
  • Ефименко Александра
  • Наталья Борзых
  • Amr Fawzy
  • Шишкина Мария
  • Чалых Олеся
  • Фанштейн Татьяна
  • Модестова Анита
  • Натали Волочай
Программа Конференции
24 августа / суббота
09:00 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:50
Going paper-light-trendy and green!
Екатерина Сташевская
There were times when my lesson preparation included printing numerous sheets of supplementary resources.
But over the years my approach has changed in the greener direction saving both my time and my money. I know for sure - all you need us your coursebook.
In this session I am going to talk about the evolution of trends of the materials use in the classroom and share some highly practical ideas of using your coursebook 110% making effective exercises from scratch.
Helping students speak their mind: proven strategies to keep them speaking and learning.
Наталья Борзых
Speaking is the most evasive skill - and there are “good speaking days” and bad ones. How can we set our students to succeed and speak effortlessly regardless of the stress they’re experiencing?
Let’s look at speaking from a different perspective, not just “accuracy - fluency” dichotomy.
Let’s make what holds us back from our superpower!
L1 VS L2: is it really so cruical to use your first language?
Мария Шишкина

Many teachers avoid students’ L1 in the classroom. They find students learn fastest in an immersive classroom. ‘English only’ signs or other materials decorate walls to make the classroom feel more ‘English’. If students find this helpful, it may be useful to limit or stop L1 use in this kind of classroom.

However, others believe that students’ L1 can help them to understand new ideas and language more easily. The L1 can provide comfort and familiarity, boosting students’ confidence. An English-only classroom can be intimidating. For students who cannot keep up with the lesson, motivation may drop if they believe there’s no way to catch up.

Which side are YOU?

12:30 – 12:40
Creating comfortable learning spaces online and offline:choices.
Татьяна Фанштейн
13:15 – 13:50
From Yawns to Yay: Transformative ESL Reading Tactics.
Amr Fawzy
We've faced our fair share of reading challenges, from comprehension puzzles to battling the duo of nagging and boredom.
Join the fun as together we are going to discover novel and effective techniques to conquer these hurdles. Let's Rock reading classes together!
13:50 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:35
Dear speaker is still thinking about his super topic!) Sorry for the delay!
Анита Модестова
15:35 – 16:15
All we need is a song!
Fiery musical lessons with kids 3-10 y.o.
Александра Ефименко
1. A whole English lesson based on one song: lesson constructor
2. How to create your personal EDUCATIONAL songs with no musical education
3. Practice: sing, dance, create, teach
16:15 – 16:50
Integration of culture and history in English teaching.
Олеся Чалых
Language and culture are two inseparable entities. Therefore, language learning is at once a cultural learning. One’s mastery of the linguistic elements alone does not guarantee he will be able to communicate through a language. Mastering the cultural element is a must!

16:50– 17:10
17:10– 17:15
17:15– 17:50
Communicating with the real world through teaching and learning accents: main difficulties and practical tips to sound like British.
Пери Абраамян
It’s very important for learners in the 21st century to understand a range of English accents. We can help prepare our students for this diverse world by bringing a range of accents into the classroom, encouraging them to reflect on how the speakers’ pronunciations are similar or different to their own, and discussing their own expectations and attitudes as listeners.
As an example I will show you how Modern RP works and thought its beauty you will see why it's so important to raise learners’ awareness, improve the chances of communicative success for the next generation of English speakers, wherever they come from and whoever they are using English with.

17:50– 18:25
Work&Life Balance
Натали Волочай
• The main principle of balance.
• The causes of work&life disbalance.
• Why are we trapped by our own dream job?
• What's your fuel for work and life?
• The secret ingredient of a well-balaced and prosperous life.
18:25– 18:35
21:00– 00.00
Программа МК
(время МК может меняться)
25 августа / воскресенье
10:00 – 11.30
Differentiation in ESL
Amr Fawzy
Differentiation in ESL is like a superpower for teachers that can totally transform your classes! In this workshop, we're going to chat about how to use it in a way that works for all ages – from little kids to grown-ups. We'll share practical ideas that you can actually use in your classes. It's all about making sure every student gets what they need to learn English!
11:40 – 13:10
It's never late to play: games to play with YL and adults.
Мария Шишкина
Games! Games! They can help you create a positive and interactive learning environment, motivate your students, and reinforce the language skills and content you teach.No matter how old they are!
So let's play and have some FUN! Practice only!
13:30 – 15:00
Blogging strategies for your success in 2024.
Сташевская Екатерина
A professional blog may give a huge boost to your career. But investing money into growing your audience is mostly just a waste. So, is it possible to start a successful blog in 2024?

In this practical session I am going to share the most successful blogging strategies I have worked out from my personal experience. With a total of more than 70 000 subscribers, I do know how to write so that people would want to read you.
Grabbing your students attention on a neural level.
Александра Кондратьева
Educational neuroscience can help teachers understand how students' brains are affected by factors outside of the school, like community factors, home environment, substance abuse, and by factors such as the emotional, social, and cognitive characteristics.
During the workshop you will play some games and use the strategies that Alexandra created in her wonderful company called STICKMEN EDU.The company is specialized on creating educational games and brain training that would be perfect for your students, their parents and team-building in your schools.
Experiencing the classroom from a student’s point of view: role-play workshop
Наталья Борзых
During the workshop you will have a chance to walk a mile in your students shoes: you will have to deal with real-life situations that your students face when speaking and try to deal with them with Natalia-great teacher with an Oscar in speaking practices!
Стоимость участия в конференции 24 августа:

при покупке до 1 мая 5900 руб.
при покупке до 1 июля 7900 руб.
при покупке после 1 июля 9900 руб.

Стоимость участия в мастер-классах 25 августа:

1 любой МК-1800 руб.
(оплачивается отдельно, скидки при бронировании 2 и более МК)

10% на группу от 3-х человек
10% на покупку двух и более МК

на уточнении, оплачивается отдельно по желанию

Прошлогодняя конференция
Фотографии с нашей конференции, которая прошла в 2023 году в стиле BRITISH!
г.Тула, ул.Демидовская, д.52
WatsApp/Telegram: +7 910 940 77 99 (Мария)
Email: albionconsultancy@inbox.ru
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